Who we are


Fabrizio and Carolina.

Born and raised in Italy. 

Happily adopted Londoners, because – let’s say it – London has everything you want.

(Except maybe for the sun)

We met in a busy office in the City and immediately agreed on life’s priorities: bread, travels, love.

On our first trip together – destination Crete – it was clear that we like to travel pretty much in the same way.

Lots of researches, thorough planning, tasting as much local food as possible and learning about history and culture by chatting with tour guides and locals.

The Squeeze Travel Blog, experiences, history and travel tips.

Fabrizio is a true history geek.

He hated to study it in high school (really, who loved it?) so he decided to catch up on history as a grown-up!

He is the photographer and playlist creator of the couple.

After every trip he delves into editing his photos to make stunning printed books, beautiful collections of experiences and funny moments. 

Organisation & planning are his strengths, and take the shape of colourful schedule spreadsheets & maps.

Against Carolina’s best efforts, Fabrizio is also addicted to dad jokes and silly pranks.

There’s no such thing as perfection.

The Squeeze Travel Blog, experiences, history and travel tips.

Carolina is the languages nerd.

She studied German, Spanish and Arabic in school and university.

Water is her natural habitat ever since she was a child.

An enthusiastic surfer in the making, her passion for surfing is so contagious that Fabrizio got hit by it and agreed to a Surf & Yoga camp in Morocco, marking his first successes on the board. 

She is into history and books, especially brainy crime novels and “libri-mattone” (“brick books” with a heavy plot that she doesn't find heavy at all).

She is the real chocolate addict, loves baking and could win in any cake-eating competition by a large margin.